Thunderbird exercises
Last updated on 2013-01-13 18:49 UTC
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I’ve started playing with Thunderbird .
I’ll try to put my experiments in the form of exercises for two reasons:
- avoid to rehash the existing documentation;
- force me to think about what I’m doing, without following instructions literally.
So here we go!
- compile the development version of Thunderbird under OS X 10.7 (done)
- compile the development version of Thunderbird under Fedora 17 (done)
- compile the development version of Thunderbird under Windows (done)
- compile Thunderbird 13.0.1
- it is better done from tarball, but can be done from
- configure parallel build of Thunderbird (e.g. 4 threads for dual core) (done on OS X)
- use pymake under Windows
- improve compilation times
- disable tests
- use ccache
- understand incremental build
- follow IRC channel (possibly with Thunderbird Daily :-) )
- replicate Mozilla build infrastructure
- BuildBot
- multiple architecture
- Tinderboxpushlog
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